General Rules
Be Respectful!
You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated and no harassing or stalking players without their consent in writing. This also means no horseplay at the public hubs and causing disruptions.
No Inappropriate Language!
The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited. Religion or Politics is not to be discussed in game or on discord whatsoever due to it can offend other users.
No Spamming!
Don’t send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming.
No Pornographic/Adult/Other except for the designated NSFW channel!
Truncheon Empire does not allow or tolerate posting of the following items:
Anyone under the age of 18
Anyone without their direct permission
Any gore, vore, scat, watersports, bestiality, rape, needle/knife play
Any nude pics/videos of yourself or any other member
Any nude pictures to players without their permission first
No Advertisements!
We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the media channel if it is relevant and provides actual value, (Video/Art)
No posting of any content from another conan server or advertising other servers within the TE discord.
Server Raiding!
Raiding or mentions of raiding are not allowed.
Direct and Indirect Threats!
Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited and disallowed.
Follow the Discord Community Guidelines!
You can find them here:
Do Not Join Voice Chat Channels Without Having A Consent Sheet Approved!
The only exception is Civilian Voice Chat for members without an approved application. This channel is for civilians who need assistance while trying to complete their application or getting into game. If you are drunk you are not allowed to join a voice channel.
No streaming of content from our server outside of our Discord without permission from the owners.
Use English whenever possible as we are a primarily English speaking server.
The Owners or Admins will Mute/Kick/Ban per discretion. If you feel mistreated, DM an Admin or Owner and we will resolve the issue. All Owners and Admins have open DM’s so please let us know how we can help.
All channels will have pinned messages explaining what they are there for and how everything works. If you don’t understand something, feel free to ask.
We reserve the right to remove any posts that do not follow these rules and with repeated offense banning of the server and discord of said player.
Your presence in this server implies accepting these rules, including all further changes. These changes might be done at any time without notice, it is your responsibility to check for them.
Player/Character Rules
Players with no guild/clan for 7 days will be removed.
If you are going to be inactive for more than two weeks, your base will be downsized or removed. This also applies to inactive players who only log in for a few minutes every couple weeks to refresh their login. If you post in the absence channel then your absence will be good for 30 days from your last update in the absence channel. After 30 days your base and character will be deleted from the server. This includes all clans, clan builds, players and player builds. After 7 days all consent sheet tickets will be deleted. After 2 days support tickets are assumed complete and will be deleted by Isa.
Anyone who does not have an approved consent sheet will be dropped down to a civilian in the discord 30 days from the start of each new season. This means you will have limited access to the discord.
Access to enter Truncheon Empire will be given to the player once the player has submitted a consent sheet, said consent sheet approved by a staff member, and then answer some questions from Leela the host.
Server Seasons are based on a 3 month period because of the new Age of War updates that Funcom releases every 3 months.
VIP donations, no matter what month you join, will hold the VIP status until your subscription ends or after 6 months. At the 6 month mark you will need to re-subscribe to keep VIP status. Subscriptions paid in full from the Truncheon empire website lasts for 6 months from time of purchase. Subscriptions started through the TE’s patreon lasts until you have canceled it. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN!
Monthly Server Sponsors hold their Sponsorship status until they end their monthly sponsorship.
Any player, moderator, or admin watching player steam/funcom IDs for meta gaming purposes will be banned from the server. Player characters are allowed to be whatever the player wants it to be with the exception the player and character must be 18 yrs of age or older as well as follow the rules in this document. If a player chooses to create an alt or new character, all players are to treat this new alt or character separately from the actual player or other player characters. It would be as if you are interacting with two separate players.
Outposts are a part of the game and if you take an Outpost then someone comes behind you and retakes the outpost, this is legal and allowed. The game is designed this way with the outpost. No KOL, this is an rp server, not a PVP server. You must emote your intention or rp before killing someone. Consent sheets need to be checked anytime you rp with anyone. If you don’t know how to find the consent sheet please place a ticket under support and someone will be happy to help.
All admins and mods who join the team are subject to removal by an Owners description. Staff will be removed if the team does not feel they will work out or perform the duties they understand before becoming part of the team. Moderators will be incharge of intaking players so that the Admins can deal with more pressing issues. Admins have the responsibilities to take care of player issues as well as intaking players as and assisting the owners when delegating a task.
There is no flying at Ymir except to flee from harm, if EEWA is on the server.
If your character is permadeath then your character can not come back and you will have to restart with a fresh new character. You must notify an admin of the permadeath with screenshots of the OOC conversation and IC conversation of the permadeath. None of your feats, attributes, stats or inventory will be transferred to your new character. All new characters must have a new approved consent sheet. If your character says no to permadeath, another character nor can your character permadeath from another character.
All characters once they come to these lands are unable to produce children. Children will not be created or born in these lands/servers.
No one is allowed to enter someone else’s home without permission from the owner of the home except admins for admin purposes only.
When uploading pics or videos with other characters from this server on Truncheon Empire discord, you must have permission from the other characters prior to posting the pic/video and tag all players in the post.
When at a public hub or public location there is no ERP in the local channel. If you are going to ERP at a public hup please use a whisper with whom you are doing ERP with. If there are more than two players involved please take it to a non-public location so local chat can be used without breaking others' consent.
Character names shall not have or contain entitlements like King, Queen, Prince, Princess, etc.
Character names can not be of the same name as a famous person, characters, super hero, etc. If you do use a well known name you cannot act or otherwise portray yourself as that person.
No impersonating, morphing into any character that is not your own or acting like another character. Failure to comply will result in an immediate ban. This also applies to impersonating the owners.
Each member can only have 1 main and 1 alt per discord account. Each alt is subject to admin approval through a consent sheet ticket. Alts are also subject to any rule that would affect a main character.
Player alts are not allowed to head up another clan separate from the player’s main character. This doesn’t mean they can’t be a solo player, it just means the alt can’t grow two big clans and be the leader of both. If an alt joins the clan of its current mains chars clan, that alt does not count towards the clans building and placeable count.
No player or clan is allowed to create, make or be part of a sister clan. Ex. you can only be part of one clan.
Building Rules and Regulations
Build pieces are based on clan size. Truncheon Empire clan max has 10 unique players (keep that in mind if you plan to take temporary slaves.) Check /heatmap to be sure you are complying. The limits are as follows:
1 person clan: No more than 600 build pieces & 300 placeables
2 person clan: No more than 900 build pieces & 400 placeables
3 person clan: No more than 1200 build pieces & 500 placeables
4 person clan: No more than 1500 build pieces & 600 placeables
5 person clan: No more than 1800 build pieces & 700 placeables
6 person clan: No more than 2100 build pieces & 800 placeables
7 person clan: No more than 2400 build pieces & 850 placeables
8 person clan: No more than 2600 build pieces & 900 placeables
9 person clan: No more than 2800 build pieces & 950 placeables
10 person clan: No more than 3000 build pieces & 1000 placeables
Thespians that are empty with no activity at the market for 7 days in a row will automatically be deleted and all money/merchandise will be removed. Thespians are to have head tracking turned off. If a thespian is found to have head tracking turned on, the thespian will be deleted, all money and merchandise will be removed.
Clan builds must be based in one small area of the map instead of having builds all over the map. No clan builds spread across the map. If you are moving your builds to another location you must get an admin involved to make sure all builds are either moved or removed from the map.
Buildings must be Immersive and all building rules apply across all platforms. For example: On our Siptah map and Savage Wilds map (When they are active).
Create structures that make sense in-character and for the world. We created relaxed build limits so your builds can be achievable, but they should be immersive and realistic. For example: a 2 person clan does not need a castle and your thespians do not need housing.
Admins may delete any building in violation of the rules at their discretion without notice.
Building with malicious intent to increase latency or rendering times is a bannable offense.
All players must be in a clan, even if you are a single player, to make it easier for the admins to assist you.
If a member from a clan becomes inactive, please let an admin know. Each case will be considered individually.
No more than two levels of foundation. No more than one level of fence foundation. There is a free building kit you can claim to give you support beams to help you build without using foundations. Claim it. Play with it. Use it.
Under no circumstance (without admin approval) are bridges or any elevator outside the base allowed to be used. For example but not limited to from the ground to your front door.
Do not build over or in dungeons, existing camps/spawns, blocking waterways or in unique areas like ruins, caves, volcanoes, springs, Supermeru, AOC areas, EEWA areas or admin structures without admin permission.
Vendors or admin spawns that are placed at the market can not be placed at a player’s base, clan base or player RP hub.
No building within 50 foundation tiles from someone else’s base, camps, dungeons, spawns, ruins, caves, or admin structures (Or ask an admin for approval before you do.)
No placing pillars or other build pieces/placeables just to block off and claim areas of the map so no one can build in that area.
To claim a location for you and your clan, you must have at least a 4x4 building.
No building near a hub or community area. You can ask an admin to make sure that you are at least 50 tiles away.
Do not block passages to other areas.
If you wish to build a player hub and want to request additional build pieces/placeables, you may do so by placing a support ticket. The only person who is allowed to fulfill this request is Isa. The minimum requirement for this is you must host two server events per month and post in the events channel in discord to announce it for everyone. If you are approved for this you will be allowed an additional 400 build pieces and 100 additional placeables.
No more than 4 thralls/pets placed TOTAL per person (you can keep extras in a chest.) You may bind sidekicks. You may have one dancer/entertainer inside your base, and one lamplighter (these two do not count towards your thrall count, one each per clan.) Thralls that go in benches do not count towards the 4 thralls/pet allowed per person.
One of each for an individual player or per clan: stable, wheel of pain, lumber mill, mining station, thrall pots, and pet growing station. They must be placed near your base, they do not count towards size.
All players are allowed to have 1 of each Exiles Armory bench excluding the Boss Summoner. No player whatsoever is allowed to have the Boss Summoner at their base. One will be provided at one of the dungeons.
No more than 1 waterfall with admin approval, 2 beehives, fish traps, shellfish traps per clan or individual player.
No T3 or higher religious shrines. No Avatar summoning.
No map rooms at a player base. You may use the one that is provided at the market. You may use warps. Warps will be listed as the warps channel or type /list warps in global chat. You may also use the Caravan person at the market.
No more than 1 thespian per clan at the market. Thespians are not allowed to have any animation. The thespian must have either your character’s name or your clan name so we know who it belongs to.
Refrain from hoarding excess materials. No more than 5 stacks of any type of ingredient. No more than 5 of each type of weapon per player. No more than 2 stacks of each type of any kit/tool per player. (The server loads everything, and it can affect the server performance.) Admins have the right to go into a players inventory or ask the player to open up all inventory to verify that they are not hoarding excess materials for the purpose to keep lag to a minimum.
Grim’s Shrine, Grim’s Blessing, Crusader’s Forge, Lore Items, Roleplay Crafting Benches, Skelos Vendor, and all other shrines are prohibited from being placed down at player or clan bases. They cannot be owned or in the inventory for players or clans. These are available for open use at the Crafting Hall. If we missed one please let us know and we are happy to place it. No removing thralls from any of the admin placed items.
You are allowed 0 total build pieces containing any combination of glass walls, glass ceilings, glass tiles, glass floors, and/or glass doors. (does not include Stormglass building set.)
Players are not allowed to craft or place any waypoints, portals, or the transport stones. Any non-admin created items will be deleted on spot.
A single player or clan is not allowed to have more than 2 of each type of crafting bench, dismantling bench, delving bench, and furnace. No more than 21 planters/garden boxes, and 2 compost bins. No more than 1 bench of any type not specified above and 1 of the following: mining station, harvest station, guild items, etc.
We have provided unlimited trash cans in your starter kit. To access it type /kit in the chat box. Do not drop items you don’t want on the ground. Discard all items into the trash can. If you kill a NPC or come across bags on the ground containing items, please pick up the bag and place the items you don’t want in the trash can. If you continually place items on the ground that you do not want, you will be removed from the server for not following the rules. We are trying to keep the database as small as possible to limit the amount of lag a player will receive as the database grows.
Under no circumstances should you build outside of these rules.
By agreeing to the rules of Truncheon Empire you “The player/Member of Truncheon Empire” acknowledge that all voice channels, text channels, video channels, or in game play are subject to be screenshot or recorded by players/members or admins. This rule was created because we ask for screenshots for proof when issues arise either from player issues or game issues so we can address the issue at hand with all information placed in front of us.